The Diaper Diaries

but hopefully not full of crap

Things I Love Thursday- Clarisonic March 5, 2008

Filed under: Things I Love Thursdays — thediaperdiaries @ 10:28 pm

clarisonic.jpg Confession time. I DVR Oprah every day. I only watch about 20% of the shows, but I do tape it. This disgusts me, yet I persist. The one episode I usually don’t watch is her favorite things. I mean who can afford $250 slippers besides Oprah. Still when someone wants to send me a product Oprah labels as one of her favorite things, I am not complaining. In fact, truth be told I will take just about anything for free.

Let me start by saying, when Oprah says something is good, crazy things happen. Books jump to the top of the best seller list, people rush to see mediocre movies, women go on live TV and show some really heinous before pictures. So when Oprah praises the Clarisonic, it tends to get on back order for months at a time. If I didn’t love it so much I would list the thing on Ebay and make a killing.

Here is the premise, Clarisonic uses sonic frequency to cleanse the skin. Kind of like microdermabrasion, but gentle enough to do everyday. The head pulsates and rotates to remove dead skin cells (yum) reduce the appearance of pores (yippee) and clean away all kinds of dirt. The benefit of this level of clean is that products are able to absorb into the skin much better leaving you with younger looking skin. Now who doesn’t love that?

I love how gentle this thing is. It makes your face feel awesome. And it has little beeps that time how long you should wash which is great for remedial beauty queens like me. They have a skin care line of cleansers and serums which are great, but even more great is that it can be used with any non-abrasive cleanser. And the unit is waterproof so you can use it in the shower.

Now the only downside (seriously there is just one), it’s quite pricey. The system costs around $200. That being said, you don’t have to keep buying products, this baby will last you. Also, it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than going to the dermatologist or spa for facial treatments. And can you really put a price on having skin like a baby’s bottom when you are in your 50s? Cause that is what I am aiming for. Isn’t that a great goal for your midlife? A face like the butt of a baby.


5 Responses to “Things I Love Thursday- Clarisonic”

  1. I don’t watch Oprah so I’ve never heard about it but now I’m interested!

  2. Overwhelmed! Says:

    Hmmm…having skin like a baby’s bottom at any age sounds pretty nice! 🙂 $200 does sound a bit steep but I may look for this just to investigate it more!

    So, I wanted to let you know that I’ve got some free books up for grabs as part of my March Pay It Forward Book Exchange. Stop by if you’re interested in a chance to win. 🙂

  3. sleek23 Says:

    Lol ! Baby butt face !

    Many people swear by this product. Its works so so for me, not as well as most of other people I know that is already using it. Probably im not using it as regularly as I should.

    You can get it for under $200 when you buy online. This page has a pretty good guide and you can get it for about $195 with free shipping from there as well. Clarisonic Skin Care Brush System

  4. Hmmm… a new goal for me. It gives the old derogatory name, “Buttface” a revival! I seriously haven’t heard of it, but I”m intrigued. And I could use some intrigue . . .

  5. adventuremom Says:

    how do you always get to try the coolest stuff for free?

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