The Diaper Diaries

but hopefully not full of crap

Works For Me Wednesday- Just like on TV, It’s Rerun time April 1, 2008

Filed under: Works for me Wednesdays — thediaperdiaries @ 10:26 pm

worksformewednesday.jpg Holy cow, WFMW just snuck up on me. Thankfully after a quick check over at Rocks in my Dryer, I have discovered it’s rerun week. Actually she is calling it Greatest Hits. So we are to pick one of our favorite past WFMW and re-post it. Actually my favorite one isn’t that old, it’s from January so I apologize if you have just heard it. But I needed the reminder today and maybe you did too. Hope you enjoy…again.

My least favorite part of living in Michigan is the weather. Which is frankly a REALLY large part of living in Michigan. We all tolerate it for the 4 months of the year where the weather is really great and we delude ourselves into thinking there are so many “great winter activities” that it is worth it the rest of the time. I seriously question that wisdom. Especially since I partake in next to none of those fabulous “winter activities” and have begun to seriously question whether the sun is just something people have made up to taunt me.

Anywho, we have some nasty weather here this evening. This led me to call my in-laws who would be driving in from about 20 minutes away to babysit and tell them not to risk their lives so I could go to book club. This bums me out cause I really liked the book and it is always a good time and there is always wine and chocolate involved. So the hubby had a work dinner and I am home with the kids. To be honest I was a bit bummed.

I think I am a good mom, but I am not one of those “sit down and make crafts that rival something Martha Stewart makes with your kids all afternoon ” kind of moms. I am also not a “sure I will dress up as a princess and pretend for hours on end with you” kind of moms. At the most I am a “ok, I guess we can bake cookies, but only if you do it exactly my way and don’t spill anything or make a mess” kind of mom. Doesn’t that just scream fun to you??

Not tonight though. Tonight I was “that mom.” The mom that ran a bath for the girls and then jumped in with them, splashing water all over the floor and squirting them with bath toys. The mom that turns on the Ipod and dances like no ones watching, giggling so hard at our dance moves that my tummy hurts. The mom that gives her girls brownies right before bed time and lets them eat them in the middle of the floor. The mom that reads a few extra books even though it is a little past bed time. I really like being that mom. Sometimes I wish she would come out to play a little more often. I have a feeling my kids do to…

For more Works for me Wednesday ideas, head here.


8 Responses to “Works For Me Wednesday- Just like on TV, It’s Rerun time”

  1. Joy Says:

    I love it! I wish I could be that mom every single day….:)

  2. Kristi Says:

    I can’t believe you just posted this, I was just thinking of this yesterday(Tuesday). We made pirate ships on the couch, had pizza, movie night with popcorn, more pirate ships, dance parties, etc… Did I mention I did all of this with a raging headache? Too funny, I was thinking of this exact post. Have a great day!

  3. Jackie Says:

    I loved this one too! You’re a great mom!

  4. Aw, that kind of mom needs to visit here more often, too!

  5. Crystal Says:

    I am exactly the same type of mom you are…not the fun IPOD one, the make cookies my way or leave the kitchen one. I work hard to be the fun mom sometimes and I always enjoyit. Luckily for my kids their dad is a barrell of laughs…which is probably why they run into his arms laughing when he gets home and when I come home they say, “You’re back already?”

  6. Nichole Says:

    Good for you! I always feel better at the end of my “that mom” days. I’m sure your kids had a wonderful time with you!

  7. You’re post made me smile — I can so relate! It’s good to be the “fun mom” every now and then! 🙂

  8. skiplovey Says:

    That’s awesome. I hope I can be “that mom” at least some of the time. Kudos to you for doing that even though you missed your fun book night.

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