The Diaper Diaries

but hopefully not full of crap

Works For Me Wednesday-Cleaning the Bathroom January 22, 2008

Filed under: Works for me Wednesdays — thediaperdiaries @ 10:25 pm

worksformewednesday.jpg If there was any chore that I would like a magic fairy to come do for me on a regular basis, it would be cleaning the bathrooms. Do you think somewhere, somehow a magic bathroom fairy exists? Wait a moment while I dream….

The problem I tend to put off this chore as long as possible. Not so long that fuzzy things grow in the potty, but definitely AS LONG AS POSSIBLE. So I have come up with a plan to keep me on a regular schedule. When the girls are in the bathtub, I clean while they bathe. They can’t get in my way cause they are splashin’ away and I can clean in relative peace. Notice I said relative.

Of course I can’t do the tub cause they are in it, but I just strap a sponge to their butt with some soft scrub and let them clean while they bathe. I briefly considered leaving that there and just publishing the post, but I fear child protection services might knock on my door. Of course I don’t strap sponges to my children…I kid, I kid…I just do the tub when fuzz starts to grow.


17 Responses to “Works For Me Wednesday-Cleaning the Bathroom”

  1. Amanda Says:

    Not 40 minutes ago I scrubbed the toilet while my 13 month old took his bath. I also rearranged my towels, wiped the counters down, and scrubbed the floor around the tub courtesy of my son’s exuberant splashing! Been lurking for awhile, fun blog!

  2. Ashlyn Says:

    Yep – cleaning the bathroom is my nemesis too. Good practical advice on how to tackle it! 🙂

  3. Mamabug Says:

    Oooohh. I do that too!

  4. I do the same thing! Another great tip is to keep paper towels under the sink so you don’t have to make a trip to the kitchen to get them… when I get out of the shower, I often take advantage of the steamy room to wipe up the now moist dust in the corners of the room and the porcelain base of the toilet. It’s a quick and easy wipe-up!

  5. Stephanie Says:

    I used to do the same thing, but somehow I lost the habit. I probably should find it again!

  6. Stacey Says:

    I do this too! I also actually plop down on my knees when the kids get out of the tub and use that ahem, *used* bathwater along with a magic eraser and just give the tub a once-over. It really doesn’t need more than that EVER if you do this!!
    Seriously, there is nothing I hate more than scrubbing the tub that has build-up. Yuk.

    Also, I bring the sponge with a scrubby side in the shower with me and just use my foot – the shampoo suds along with the sponge ensure a pretty darn clean tub and no fuzz!!!

    Cute blog!

  7. SAHMmy Says Says:

    Just a few more months and I can get back into this practice–the baby is in a “standing in the tub gets a great reaction from Mommy” phase right now. For our tub, I use the Target brand nighttime bath for bubbles, soap, and shampoo on the kiddos (love that my 3yr old still smells like a sweet baby!) and bathe them nightly–I seriously never have to wash my tub. That stuff is amazing: gentle on their skin and doesn’t leave any goop in the tub!

  8. I just cleaned my tub last night after 3 year old’s bath. Easiest when you are right there looking at it. 🙂

  9. Jessica Says:

    You mean DHS migt want me bc I let my kid clean the tub? Ooop. Guess I better stop that time saver…

  10. Nikki Says:

    You are so freaking hilarious!

    I do this as well. Sadly, you’ve reminded me I need to scrub that tub.

  11. Mary Wooten Says:

    This is the only way my kids bathroom has gotten cleaned for 7 years. Now that boys are older I give them sponges with their bathsoap after their shower. I got the idea when my oldest boy was a tot and he would take his sponge animals and “clean the wall like Mommy”. I give them cups and small buckets to throw water to get the soap off. They think it is fun and love it!! They do a great job but I still scrub it good weekly.

  12. Nicole Says:

    That would certainly work for me since my two girls would stay in the bath for hours if I would let them!

  13. Rain Says:

    Great idea! I often clean my bathroom or do other small menial tasks while my 2yo daughter plays in the suds.

  14. Michie Says:

    LOL – too funny about the bathtub and your kids. I have found that the same thing works for me too. 🙂

  15. SCW Says:

    Oh my gosh, great idea! Where have I been!? I guess trying to keep my son from standing up. But still, who has time to clean a bathroom? That’s brilliant… By the way, great humor, friend. I love reading.

  16. susan2009 Says:

    You are so funny! Too bad my two kiddos don’t live at home anymore = there went my slave labor.

    My tub time-saving tip is to move into a home that has a broken tub. If I don’t use it, I don’t have to clean it. :-0

    Thanks for visitng my blog home.

  17. Amanda Says:

    I too do this!! Thanks for stopping by over at my blog…I too have used the munchkin separator thing for formula… but I’ve stopped using that now that I found these bottles. I’m glad that you stopped over at my blog, because I’ve been enjoying reading yours. I’m a little late on the whole Corinthians challenge, but I’m definitely joining in on this.

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