The Diaper Diaries

but hopefully not full of crap

My Mom, My Mentor, My Friend July 25, 2007

Filed under: Carnival,Family — thediaperdiaries @ 11:21 am

thank-you.jpg MamaBlogga is hosting another writing project this month with the theme: Thanks Mom! Let me just state up front that I am not really into the whole mushy, share your feelings thing. I have even been known to become a bit uncomfortable with a hug (what is with this trend of hugging everyone when we see them?) So a public love letter to my mom is not the easiest thing in the world for me to express, but the opportunity to make my mom cry is too good to pass up (plus I already did a love letter to my dad and hubby so she is owed one). Here goes nothing:

  1. My mom is my best friend:Truly, she is the person I call most during the day (well that’s a toss up between her and cleaver mama). She is constantly encouraging me as a mother. Some days that is so priceless when I am feeling like I am hanging onto sanity with my fingernails. I just enjoy hanging out with her which I think is a rarity in mother-daughter relationships. I hope my daughters enjoy my company as much when they are older.
  2. Growing up, she wasn’t my “best friend”: Let me clarify. I think we live in a culture where so many parents are too wrapped up in wanting their kids to like them and be their friends and forget to be a parent. My mom was always there for me growing up, but set definite boundaries and rules. At the time I thought they were too strict, but now that I am older and wiser (and a mother) I am so thankful that she was because it saved me from getting in a lot of trouble. I remember once complaining to a friend in high school about how strict my parents were and she said, “At least you know they care, my parents don’t seem to care what I do.” That has always stuck with me.
  3. She’s still a kid at heart:She still looks forward to the first day of spring so she can do a cartwheel (not so well anymore). She takes my kids walking in the rain so she can splash in the puddles. She thinks nothing of playing hours of pretend games with Lily (I tire out after 10 minutes). She just loves being silly with my kids and they love her for it.
  4. She has taught me a lot about marriage: As I have mentioned before my parents have been married forever and growing up, they made it look really easy. Now that I am an adult, she has been more honest about the work and struggle it is to make a marriage succeed over the long haul. I think this is the greatest gift because then the “work” of marriage didn’t catch me by surprise. I also get to daily see the result of all that “work” and why it is so worth it when I see how much my parents still enjoy each other.
  5. She is my spiritual role model:Let’s be honest, she is a whole lot of people’s spiritual role model. Of course she isn’t perfect cause no one is, but she models Christ to those around her in so many ways. She is a breast cancer survivor and I have never seen anyone rely on God during a trial like she did. Her trust in his plan inspired countless people who she shared her journey with. She is passionate about God, but never in a pushy way. I think people just see something different in her and want to know why.

Must stop writing…starting to cry (Court is so proud right now) and I hate that. I grew up with friends who were always jealous of my mom and our relationship. I guess sometimes I take it for granted and am glad for the chance to say thanks. You have set the bar high for motherhood, but I am striving to live up to your example.


11 Responses to “My Mom, My Mentor, My Friend”

  1. It sounds like your mother is wonderful! No wonder you’re friends to this day!

    Thanks for participating!

  2. Candace Says:

    Your mom sounds awesome. What a blessing to have such a wonderful mom. Your mom sounds a lot like my mom. I don’t know what I would do without my mom.

  3. bigbinder Says:

    Your mom is wonderful! 🙂

  4. Kymberlyn Says:

    Sounds like you have an awesome Mom. What a blessing.

  5. lookmomlook Says:

    Do you think your mom would adopt me? 🙂

  6. Lynnae Says:

    What a great post! Your mom sounds like a wonderful person!

  7. adventuremom Says:

    Your mom is pretty cool and she handles a mean paint brush!

  8. summershine Says:

    My friends were also jealous of my relationship with my parents. I didn’t realize there were so many rocky parent/child relationships.

  9. Christine Says:

    You are truly blessed with such a wonderful relationship with your mother. She sounds like an incredible woman.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful post.

  10. Corey Says:

    your mom sounds like a blessing. 🙂

  11. Your mom rocks and how blessed you and your family are for her being in your lives. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post and being transparent. Warning, if we ever meet in public, I am a hugger. 🙂

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